V.I.P Seats

I took this picture again. This was taken from the side on my left. Those were the V.I.P seats at the top. They are much more expensive seats.

The stage in the theatre

While we was waiting, i realised i had the chance to also take pictures of the actual stage. It stage was really big and the theatre looked so pretty with big chandeliers and comfortable seats. We had a great view.

Finally got our seats!

We finally saw the stage and got our seats! We was sitting there for a while so we decided to take pictures while we was waiting for it to start. My tutor took this picture.

'The Lion King' shop

Me and my class mate Angelica, at the lion king shop. They had really cool things but i didn't get anything because it was so expenive :( But i really like the picture.

Out side the theatre

This is Candice, Stephanie and myself literally outside the theatre!
In our hands we have the tickets.Soo exciting.

Only 2 minutes away

This was about 2 minutes away from the actual theatre. We was so not ready, we didn't even no it was being taken. oh no.

The station

The is another good friend and I at the station on our way to go watch 'The Lion King' at the theatres!! This was actually my second time going but it was still just as great as the first time i watched it. We was so excited because it was also the day just after we finished our last GCSE exam in year 11 so we decided to take lots and lots of photos on that day.A day to remember definitely!


My sister

Here is another picture that i took of my sister. This was also during the summer last year 2009 in Hyde park. We was at an Eritrean event of that day which was Eritrean martyrs day.
Every year, June 20Th is Martyrs Day in Eritrea. Ever since Eritrea gained its independence in 1991, the day June 20Th has been set of respecting and paying tribute to all those who paid the ultimate price, life, in the great 30-year war to re-claim national independence of the country and people of Eritrea including those who lost their lives.(That's why there is lots of people standing around behind her)

However,I took the photo so quickly, i didn't expect it to turn out that great!
She has such a lovely smile. Aw.


My younger sisters

During the summer holidays last year, my family went out to the beach in Briton!We woke up so early and took about 2 hours and a bit to get there by car.
It was such a long and hot day. The view of the beach was beautiful and the fun fair was great! It was such a good day and we took lots of pictures, i took this one. I don't think they was ready but oh well :)


Night Night Asmara

Asmara at night, itsn't it beautiful?! I love how there are different colours used in this image. Since when was the sky purple? :)


St Joseph's Cathedral in Asmara, Eritrea, is a large Roman style cathedral in the centre of the city that was built when Eritrea was an Italian colony. It is the seat of the Eritrean Catholic bishop of the eparchy of Asmara. The Eritrean Catholic Church is an autonomous particular church of the Roman Catholic Church.

The building took six years to construct and was consecrated in 1922. Its tall Gothic tower is loosely based on that of the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster, London. The tower rises 57 metres into the sky and it is possible to tour the tower and see fantastic views of the art deco city. On the cathedral site, there is also a primary school, a monastery, and a convent, all of which have existed since the initial construction of the cathedral.

Baby me

This is me only 2 days old, it was taken in Hammersmith hospital which is were i was born.

Altogether now

Our heels taken from above xo


Me and kirsty took pictures of our heels from the mirror. Cooooool :)


This is me Annie and Kirsty in primark after school. We was just messing around and having fun so we though to just try some heels on and take a photo hehe.

Media Trip

This is me and my media class on a trip to the itv studios and watch 'Loose Women' being filmed. We saw Andrea Mclean, Denise Welsh and Coleen Nolan. It was a great experience!

Break time

Another picture but close up.

School Days

This is me and my good friend monique in year 11 t break time. Ermm i don't know what we are looking at and why we are smiling but it looks pretty cool :) I love her


Funny Picture lol

I think its funny because of the way it has been taken. Some people are cut out the picture and some people anit even ready (Monique who is tying to put the chip in her mouth as well as posing for the camera hahaha)

Another picture of the same night...

I actually really like this picture because I'm with all my girls (Excluding Kurtis hehe)that I've known for 6 long years! We spent secondary school together and some i even still go to the same college with!! We are all still great friends and forever we will be :)


Helen's 17th birthday!

This is a picture of the people that came but not everyone!! Theres more but there ot in the photo. We went to a resturant to 'Tinsel Town' which is an american resturant In Farington.It was during the Autum Half term in October. They have food like Big fries and hude burgersss Yuum yum :)

Amazing night xo

The good old days

This is me in the middle and my two closest of the closest friends! Yepp hehe this was at break time just messing about in yer 11 secondary school. I miss secondary school :( but wee still great friends anyways :)


Another pic of the birthday night

Me and my friends on my birthday awwww the memories :)

Me and my very good friend

This is me and one of my closest friend ever! Shes SO cool and i love her so much :)
This is me and her on my sweet sixteen birthday night. We took this in the girls toilet in the restaurant hehe.

The birthday Girlies

Even thought it was my 16Th birthday on the day, my three other friends celebrated there birthday on the same Saturday as me :) The is in westfield shopping centre by the restaurant we went to that night.

Look at our dresses.


Sweet Sixteen

This is my 16Th birthday. We went to a Greek restaurant in Westfield because it was two days after it opened. The food was nice and the restaurant was different. After, we went to our friends house and had a house party over there. Good night!

Amazing Eritrean Coffee

One of the most recognizable parts of Eritrean culture is the 'coffee ceremony'.[1] Coffee (Ge'ez ቡን būn) is offered when visiting friends, during festivities, or as a daily staple of life. If coffee is politely declined then most likely tea ("shai" ሻይ shahee) will be served. The coffee is brewed by first roasting the green coffee beans over hot coals gughin a brazier. Once the beans are roasted each participant is given an opportunity to sample the aromatic smoke by wafting it towards them. This is followed by the grinding of the beans, traditionally in a wooden mortar and pestle.

The coffee grounds are then put into a special vessel, called a jebena, and boiled. A jebena is usually made of clay and has a spherical base, a neck and pouring spout and a handle where the neck connects with the base. When the coffee boils up through the neck it is poured in and out of another container to cool it, and then is put back into the jabena until it happens again. To pour the coffee from the jebena a filter made from horsehair or other material is placed in the spout of the jebena to prevent the grounds from escaping.

The host pours the coffee for all participants by moving the tilted jebena over a tray with small, handleless cups (finjal) without stop until each cup is full. Some of the coffee will inevitably miss the cup but this is done to prevent the coffee grounds from contaminating the brew. One extra cup is poured each time. The grounds are brewed three times: the first round of coffee is called awel, the second kale'i and the third bereka ('to be blessed'). The coffee ceremony may also include burning of various traditional incense such as frankincense or gum arabic.

Sudan 2

This is another picture of me and my cousin in sudan but takan from a long shot.

This is a picture of the mountains in Eritrea and the road is to go from one town to another. Isn't it just beautiful...

Flag of Eritrea

Eritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Sudan in the west, Ethiopia in the south, and Djibouti in the southeast. The east and northeast of the country have an extensive coastline on the Red Sea, directly across from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The Dahlak Archipelago and several of the Hanish Islands are part of Eritrea. Its size is just under 118,000 km2 (45,560 sq mi) with an estimated population of 5 million. The capital is Asmara.

Its the best country in africa!! woo hooo :)

Eritrea is where im from...

This is a pic of a beautiful country called Eritrea which is were im from. It is a small country in east africa next to ethiopia.

Sheraz, me, Monique and steph in year 11

Good times in year 11 in ict when we was meant to be doing work, we took a sly pic. I really like this pic because its our reflection from the computer. So it looks like two pics in one photo!! Kooooool. :)